Pre School and Junior Infants
The early learning targets in our Junior Infant programme are drawn from the Aistear curriculum for primary schools and are designed so that individual pupils are supported and independent as much as possible in exploring the learning environment for themselves in a playful and enjoyable way (for further information on Aistear see
1st to 6th Class
We believe that the curriculum must be differentiated to meet the varying educational and physical needs of our students. We teach students in small and large groups as well as sometimes providing one to one tuition. Communication, play, sensory activities and construction all play an important role in the student’s life in our School.

Teachers are currently adapting the language and communication curriculum in line with NCCA guidelines. We teach pupils how to become good communication partners, by looking, listening, making choices and turn taking. We use a variety of teaching tools and methodologies. Technology and assistive technologies are also used. Each classroom has a touch sensitive interactive whiteboard. iPads, touchscreens and communication devices are used throughout the school. Literacy and communication programmes are individualised for every pupil. The school has an extensive library and also access to online libraries and websites.

Our Mathematics programme includes opportunities for our students to solve problems using real life situations. Our students are taught the language of mathematics as well as given opportunities for shopping, calculating, problem solving, predicting and games. The mathematics curriculum comprises five strands: Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, Measurement and Data. We integrate our teaching with other subjects so that students see the practical use of mathematics in a meaningful way. We differentiate our teaching in order to suit individual students learning styles. A range of assessment tools are used.

Social Environmental and Scientific Education
Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) includes History, Geography and Science and life skills learning. Students are given a wide range of opportunities for project work in these classes. Teachers ensure that each student has a role to play in working on a project and tasks are differentiated to suit student learning styles. A specialist home economics teacher takes students in groups or individually for classes in baking and cooking as well as teaching craft and kitchen skills.

Arts Education
Arts Education includes Visual Arts, Music and Drama. Our school has a strong tradition in arts education and we attend a number of concerts, galleries and drama productions annually. We host an art exhibition annually and encourage students to display their artwork on a weekly basis. Drama is taught on a weekly basis and students participate in performances. A specialist music teacher takes students individually or in small groups for instrument and voice teaching. The school is a partner in Music Generation in Cork. We have a dedicated music room and a range of instruments including music technology, pianos, guitars and percussion instruments.

Social, Personal and Health Education
Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) includes Life Skills and Relationship and Sexuality Education. We believe that each student should feel valued and useful. We also encourage students to manage their own behaviour and alert us when they are worried. Zippy’s Friends programme which is designed to promote the emotional well-being of children and increase their repertoire of coping skills is just one of the ways in which we explore life situations.

Individual Education Planning
Each student works to their own individual education plan (IEP) which is developed by the teachers, parents and SNAs and therapists working with the children in our school. We like parents to visit the school so that we can discuss progress and adapt each child’s individual programme. We encourage students to play and work together in a variety of different educational and play settings.
The school works in partnership with Enable Ireland and HSE in providing a full time nurse on site. For further information and to meet the teacher in the classroom, please contact the Principal at 021 4291804.